XMLHttpRequest Object methods
July 15, 2006

Method/Property | Description |
abort() | Stops the current request. |
getAllResponseHeaders() | Returns the response headers as a string. |
getResponseHeader("headerLabel") | Returns a single response header as a string. |
open("method", "URL"[, asyncFlag[, "userName"[, "password"]]]) | Initializes the request parameters. |
send(content) | Performs the HTTP request. |
setRequestHeader("label", "value") | Sets a label/value pair to the request header. |
onreadystatechange | Used to set the callback function that handles request state changes. |
readyState | Returns the status of the request: |
0 = uninitialised | |
1 = loading | |
2 = loaded | |
3 = interactive | |
4 = complete | |
responseText | Returns the server response as a string. |
responseXML | Returns the server response as an XML document. |
Status | Returns the status code of the request. |
statusText | Returns the status message of the request. |